Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Very Merry Berger Christmas

Its time to head to the desert for a Christmas Session at the dried lake bed. This lovely family was so fun to photograph. They are all about having fun together and joking and just being themselves. We dragged a Christmas tree along with us. The girls had fun decorating the tree, hugging on Mom, jumping around with Dad; and Dad had fun getting them all in a bear hug and giving noogies. After our shoot, Dad told me how much fun they were having and about how they hadn't had fun like that in a long time. Talk about a compliment!

 Its always such a joy to really be able to bring out a families true dynamic and catch those sweet tender and happy moments among each other. Watching Mom and Dad look at each other and just burst into laughter. 

Hope you enjoyed the blog today. Until next time!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Behind the Lens with BreAnne Sky

Being on a remote military instillation is kind of like being in a fish bowl. Most people pretty much know each other and the kinda cool thing is that this place gives us the opportunity to launch our own businesses. This was a fantastic place for Pixelbug to be able to launch and blossom. While being here I met so many amazing women and fellow photographers, who where so many different hats in life, that this summer I decided, You know it would be really nice to showcase who these women are away from the lens."  Some are teachers, nurses, and yes even a music artist. Growing up I was involved in choir and as many art classes that they would allow me to take during the day. Having multiple talents is a wonderful gift. I just couldn't decide who I wanted to interview first. So this summer when I discovered that my fellow photog friend Bre also sang, and not only sang, but opened for many Country Music artists, I decided she was the Perfect person to start this series with. So without further ado, I introduce BreAnne Sky, a slideshow complete with a beautiful song that she is singing, and below that is an interview.

Want to hear more from BreAnne Sky? Like what you've heard? Head over to her Facebook Fan Page and subscribe.

Thanks so much for tuning in!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sweet Baby Laila

I LOVE photographing newborns. I am also so excited when I get the phone call that a couple has just welcomed a new little miracle into their family. I was even more excited when Bobbie got a hold of me a few weeks before she was due, and learned that she is from Southern Illinois. My husband is from Southern Illinois and I am from Central Illinois. So I was super excited to get to make a red tutu for the shoot to show off the newest Cardinals fan.  

Bobbie decided she wanted to leave the gender of the baby as a surprise. So I had a lot of fun planning for either one.  The baby only being home a few days, it was so cute to see how quickly that doggie had became protective of his baby.  Baby Laila, was sooo teeny tiny, and Mommy couldn't stop smiling for a second, neither could Daddy. Daddy had this very cal very relaxed grin on his face the entire time, and just loved gazing at her. She is definitely going to be Daddys Little Princess. 
We got some great shots of her awake, and some where she was gazing right at me. It was a wonderful afternoon. I can't wait to photograph this little girl again. Bobbie, thank you so very much for allowing me to help you introduce your sweet little bundle of pink to your family and friends.. I hope we get to do it again soon. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Live Life Happy. The Seiberts and Baby H

The Seibert family does just that. They live their life happy. It was such a joy to be invited into their home to capture one of Baby H's first days home. Such a tiny little guy, and so perfectly cuddly. With his teeny tiny little hands, perfectly pink toes, and soft baby hair. He was just delicious!

His older brother and sisters are so proud to have a new addition to the family, they just loved being able to crawl on the couch to have their turn to hold him and give him some brother and sisterly love. 


I brought my sock monkey along to give him some extra cuddles too. Big Sister A was so good about making sure her sweet new brother was comforted through out his time in front of the camera; and if you check out the black and white with the sock monkey, you can see her gentle hands doing just that. 

We decided to head over to the Courtyard to get some outside shots and let the older kids play around as I took some more pictures of them just being together and enjoying each other and playing. I love the one of the girls looking in the window as Little Sister gives her reflection a kiss.  She is definitely Daddys Girl. She wanted to stay as close to him as she could, and you could tell how much he enjoyed it, as he tossed her in the air to hear her giggle.  

               I hope you enjoyed todays blog addition. More to come the next couple days.. Melissa , thank you again so much for allowing me to share in your families joy and letting me help you introduce Baby H to your friends and family.
XOXO,      Rowan

Friday, October 12, 2012

Getting Caught Up

I will absolutely be getting caught back up on the blog this weekend!!! So many cute sessions to blog about.. here is a list of what is in store; starting off with some adorable newborn sessions!!

Baby Seibert
Lil Miss Laila
A Very Merry Berger Desert Christmas
Calico Ghost Town
Arzu Christmas in the Desert
Desert Ninjas
.. the start of  My Favorite Things
.....AND Drum roll please........ My new Project!!! Spotlight! Behind the lens with BreAnne Sky!

I will also be putting up the Holiday Portrait Specials, and some Mini Sessions. The Mini Sessions will be goof for the last week of October and the first two weeks of November. Stay tuned!!

X's and O's

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Halloween Styled Mini Sessions!

The first of the Pixelbug Memories Holiday deals of 2012! Starting with some cute pre-styled Halloween pictures. Dress your adorable little ones up and come get a quick photo shoot of them in their Halloween Costumes! Email me so I can get your sessions booked for you! I can't wait to get together with you and your kiddos and have some fun while capturing these cute moments for you.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In my Daddy's Boots

I know I already posted once today.. But considering what today stands for, I thought it would be appropriate to honor the day with a patriotic shoot. This was originally shot for Fathers Day. Some of my favorite sessions come from dressing kids up in their parents military uniforms, waving flags in the air, and playing with dog tags. Such a great way to show our soldiers that we're thinking about them and that we appreciate the things that they do for us.

Thoughts of their families, their spouses and their children are what help them to get through these multiple long and grueling deployments. Pictures of smiling faces, tracings of hands, drawings of daddy holding his babies hands. These are the things that they hold onto, because they give them thoughts of homecoming and thoughts of scooping those babies and spouses and family members in their arms. They give them hope. Hope that these adorable faces and tiny hands will make wonderful changes in tomorrow.

As their Mom watched, she looked at her oldest and commented at how she felt as though she was looking at his future as he sat there in his Dads ACU coat and hat. I am so blessed to be able to capture these images. Our soldiers were once children too, dreaming of being heroes. Back then they dreamed of wearing a different type of cape, maybe with a big huge letter on the front of their shirts with fantastic super powers. To us and our kids, they are the best super heroes. Seeing the way they look up at their parents as they are in their uniforms makes my heart smile. :O)

So to all our Heroes, especially on this very important day; September 11th, I want to say thank you, for fighting for our country.. You are all the reasons for our freedoms.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The same day I photographed Lucas playing in the rain, Chloe and I took a walk once the rain stopped. We ended up walking to the park close to our house. Just to have some Mom and Chloe time. I wish more than anything that I could just freeze her at this age. So sweet, thoughtful, kind, giggly, innocent. I sat here the other day and realized that when we moved to Fort Irwin, we moved here with a 5 year old and a 15 month old. Now my 5 year old is about to turn 9 and my 15 month old is 4 with another 21 month old. Such precious time that flys by. I am so thankful that I created a career that allows me to spend as much time with my babies as I want to.

Chloe is so full of life and love. The world is at her feet and I know that she will succeed in anything she puts her mind too.

My wish for youIs that this life becomes all that you want it toYour dreams stay big, your worries stay smallYou never carry more than you can hold~Rascal Flatts

I sit here and look at the smile on her face, the same smile that is sprawled across her face all day long, and I can't help but think about what her life holds in store for her. I hope her smile never fades.

She's my tiny dancer and dances on my heart strings every single day. She and her brothers all bring me such endless joy. These pictures are definitely a glimpse into her soul.

I hope she teaches her own children to dance in rain puddles, have tea parties with all of their stuffed animal and their Daddy, and love as whole heartily as she does.

Until Next time

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pixelbug Reaches 200 Facebook Fans!!!

Once you have completed the rules for the contest and posted your comment on my Facebook wall that you are interested, your name will be entered into the drawing. The contest ends on September 9th at 7pm Pacific Standard Time, and the drawing will take place on September 10th!

Good Luck to you all! I can't wait for our photo session!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Little Bit of Cali Swag...

...Fort Irwin Style....

In June the base held their annual car show. It isn't as big as most car shows are, but it was fun to see what they did have there. My oldest son and I rarely get to have time with just him and I, so I brought him a long with me. Let me tell you, it was HOT.. The triple digits are normal thing around here, but we are still not used to it. The car above was my particular favorite. My Granddaddy had one just like it in teal, so it got a lot of attention from me, from the inside out

The older cars are definitely my favorite, and I wish there had been more to photograph.. Aiden's favorite was the car that shoot fire out of its pipes.. We got the treat of the owner revving its engine and making the fire shoot out. It was loud and Aiden covered his ears, but he would not budge, not to mention it was RED, which is Aiden's favorite color, made it that much better. Then he found the ones that had flames painted on them and decided that when he gets older he wants one like the black on with the orange flames..

The truck below was just flat out AWESOM
E.. It is painted to commemorate 9/11, If you look at the front of the hood between its head lights you will see a piece of glass that was recovered from the wreckage. Being a military spouse with a husband who's deployed, and countless friends who have husbands still there, and knowing how many gave the ultimate sacrifice, the images on the truck pulls at the heart strings in a big way. Takes you right back as if it were yesterday and it reminds you to not take a single moment fore granted.

A Snowball break was more than necessary on this crazy hot day. He was so happy to be able to have it to himself and not have to share it with his baby brother. It so important to make sure that each kid feels special.. Aiden is the oldest of three, and a lot of the time, he doesnt get much special "Mom and Me Time" I am so happy he came along with me and we get some extra special bonding. He was my rock when his Daddy was deployed, at that time it was just me and him, and we had lunch and dinner dates all the time. I'm happy that he enjoyed himself.

We took one last stroll around the car show to make sure that there wasn't anything that we missed, and headed home.

Until next time,

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

Love those RAINY Days of Summer!

I know I have mentioned before how RARE a rainy day is, here at Fort Irwin. Well guess what!! It FINALLY RAINED!! YAY!! So many people thought I was crazy for getting so excited about rain.. The people in the community here always make comments like. "Hey whats that liquid stuff falling from the sky?" Or when some one moves back to what we call "The Normal Part of the Country" and they post pictures we say "Hey what are all those tall green things in your pictures?" Brown is what we get out here, and plenty of it. :O) So as soon as I looked outside and say the rain, I grabbed my camera and who ever would go outside to play with me.. Of course my Little, is always all about going outside. He and my Hunny were all about going outside with me. The two bigger kids, were too busy playing and didn't really care at that moment. So I took Lucas and out we went, followed by Daddy to come out and play with us.

"Mommy, I just want to be naked and free." I love being about to let him run around in his diaper on hot days, just enjoying life.. Today was no different, even though it was raining, it was still just as hot.

Daddy came out to join us just as the rain was stopping and went and found a great big puddle to jump around and splash in.

He even grabbed the camera from me and snapped a shot of mine and the babies feet. Thanks Daddy!!

He found an awesome perfect Lucas size place to sit and stomp his feet in the water. This and the picture below are my favoites. :O) I love just capturing his littleness.

His little giggles and squeals just brighten my day. He had so much fun. We found a tennis ball and he played catch with us and ran around playing chase with Daddy. he got made when the ground started to dry up, which didn't take long, so we turned on the out door faucet and he started giggling all over again. I love this age.. I just want to freeze him here, for just a little while longer.

Thanks for coming and reading. Until next time!