Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Very Merry Berger Christmas

Its time to head to the desert for a Christmas Session at the dried lake bed. This lovely family was so fun to photograph. They are all about having fun together and joking and just being themselves. We dragged a Christmas tree along with us. The girls had fun decorating the tree, hugging on Mom, jumping around with Dad; and Dad had fun getting them all in a bear hug and giving noogies. After our shoot, Dad told me how much fun they were having and about how they hadn't had fun like that in a long time. Talk about a compliment!

 Its always such a joy to really be able to bring out a families true dynamic and catch those sweet tender and happy moments among each other. Watching Mom and Dad look at each other and just burst into laughter. 

Hope you enjoyed the blog today. Until next time!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Behind the Lens with BreAnne Sky

Being on a remote military instillation is kind of like being in a fish bowl. Most people pretty much know each other and the kinda cool thing is that this place gives us the opportunity to launch our own businesses. This was a fantastic place for Pixelbug to be able to launch and blossom. While being here I met so many amazing women and fellow photographers, who where so many different hats in life, that this summer I decided, You know it would be really nice to showcase who these women are away from the lens."  Some are teachers, nurses, and yes even a music artist. Growing up I was involved in choir and as many art classes that they would allow me to take during the day. Having multiple talents is a wonderful gift. I just couldn't decide who I wanted to interview first. So this summer when I discovered that my fellow photog friend Bre also sang, and not only sang, but opened for many Country Music artists, I decided she was the Perfect person to start this series with. So without further ado, I introduce BreAnne Sky, a slideshow complete with a beautiful song that she is singing, and below that is an interview.

Want to hear more from BreAnne Sky? Like what you've heard? Head over to her Facebook Fan Page and subscribe.

Thanks so much for tuning in!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sweet Baby Laila

I LOVE photographing newborns. I am also so excited when I get the phone call that a couple has just welcomed a new little miracle into their family. I was even more excited when Bobbie got a hold of me a few weeks before she was due, and learned that she is from Southern Illinois. My husband is from Southern Illinois and I am from Central Illinois. So I was super excited to get to make a red tutu for the shoot to show off the newest Cardinals fan.  

Bobbie decided she wanted to leave the gender of the baby as a surprise. So I had a lot of fun planning for either one.  The baby only being home a few days, it was so cute to see how quickly that doggie had became protective of his baby.  Baby Laila, was sooo teeny tiny, and Mommy couldn't stop smiling for a second, neither could Daddy. Daddy had this very cal very relaxed grin on his face the entire time, and just loved gazing at her. She is definitely going to be Daddys Little Princess. 
We got some great shots of her awake, and some where she was gazing right at me. It was a wonderful afternoon. I can't wait to photograph this little girl again. Bobbie, thank you so very much for allowing me to help you introduce your sweet little bundle of pink to your family and friends.. I hope we get to do it again soon. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Live Life Happy. The Seiberts and Baby H

The Seibert family does just that. They live their life happy. It was such a joy to be invited into their home to capture one of Baby H's first days home. Such a tiny little guy, and so perfectly cuddly. With his teeny tiny little hands, perfectly pink toes, and soft baby hair. He was just delicious!

His older brother and sisters are so proud to have a new addition to the family, they just loved being able to crawl on the couch to have their turn to hold him and give him some brother and sisterly love. 


I brought my sock monkey along to give him some extra cuddles too. Big Sister A was so good about making sure her sweet new brother was comforted through out his time in front of the camera; and if you check out the black and white with the sock monkey, you can see her gentle hands doing just that. 

We decided to head over to the Courtyard to get some outside shots and let the older kids play around as I took some more pictures of them just being together and enjoying each other and playing. I love the one of the girls looking in the window as Little Sister gives her reflection a kiss.  She is definitely Daddys Girl. She wanted to stay as close to him as she could, and you could tell how much he enjoyed it, as he tossed her in the air to hear her giggle.  

               I hope you enjoyed todays blog addition. More to come the next couple days.. Melissa , thank you again so much for allowing me to share in your families joy and letting me help you introduce Baby H to your friends and family.
XOXO,      Rowan

Friday, October 12, 2012

Getting Caught Up

I will absolutely be getting caught back up on the blog this weekend!!! So many cute sessions to blog about.. here is a list of what is in store; starting off with some adorable newborn sessions!!

Baby Seibert
Lil Miss Laila
A Very Merry Berger Desert Christmas
Calico Ghost Town
Arzu Christmas in the Desert
Desert Ninjas
.. the start of  My Favorite Things
.....AND Drum roll please........ My new Project!!! Spotlight! Behind the lens with BreAnne Sky!

I will also be putting up the Holiday Portrait Specials, and some Mini Sessions. The Mini Sessions will be goof for the last week of October and the first two weeks of November. Stay tuned!!

X's and O's