Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lazy Days of Summer

I've slacked a bit on my blog entries this summer. I've been so busy with the kids, that yes even I have been one of those moms where the pictures stay stuck on the camera card. I've been ph
otographing everything that we do, but when it come time to actually get them onto the computer to edit them, that's about as far as I get.

It has been hot, hot, hot here in the high desert. I think I have
mentioned before how dry and hot it gets during the summers, and how rain is an extremely rare occasion. The triple digits sometimes make it difficult to even go to the pool. So we've been finding different activities to do in the house. We've had quite a lazy summer so far, but it's been very relaxing. Aiden has spent much of his time hanging out with friends, it got to the point where he was rarely even at the house. So we came up with a rule that; Yes he may play at his friends houses, however he has to wait until after lunch time. This way we still get family time in. I am so not looking forward to his teen years where all he wants to do is be out of the house and only with his friends. So hopefully this rule will last, and he will appreciate the time spent with his brother and sister. He has also adopted the "I'm bored" comment about every 10 minutes. He loves to sit and play his video games, but I refuse to let him become one of those kids whose brains turn to mush, from constantly looking at a computer, television and or game console. So the first thing I did this summer was create a summer schedule. Sometimes the tasks get switched around to different times, but every day, we get in, story time, crafts or coloring, and clean up time. Aiden helps with chores and Chloe helps to keep the living room and her bedroom clean. The best part about it, is that now Lucas starts to put things away, as well as handing me his plate when he is finished with what he is eating, instead of throwing it. LOVE IT!!

Last week I decided to make some play-dough. I was so tired of buying it, because it always ended up mixed together, and all over the backyard
and dried up. I am, like many others completely addicted to Pinterest. You can find a tutorial for anything. I found a few recipes on Pinterest, so I decided ok lets go for it. Two batches make enough for all three kids to play with. I only made two colors, because well, I'll be honest, lol... I ran out of salt. It seriously took me 10 minutes to make both batches,and yes, I will include the
recipe at the end of this post.

The kids had so much fun with this. Lucas had lots of fun squishing the dough in his hands and between his fingers, and Aiden had lots of fun showing him how to use cookie cutters to cut out shapes in the dough. Chloe decided she needed to make cookies for a tea party with hers. They didn't even mix the colors this time.

I love seeing the way the three of them play, and how their creative little minds turn the same toy into 3 completely different concepts. Aidens pizza pies and he was flipping the dough in the air. Chloe even make chocolate chips for her cookies, and her butterflies came to the tea party. Lucas was a little gentler with his, he loves balls, so he loved having it roll around. When he was done, he grabbed the bowl I had brought it out in, but his in the bowl along with the cookie cutters he had been using, pushed it a
way and said, "all done." He was for sure ready for a nap.



You will need:

1 cup of flour

1 cup of water

2 table spoons of Cream of tartar

1/3 cup of Salt

1 tablespoon of Oil

( the recipe called for Veggie Oil, but I used Canola, worked perfectly)

Food Coloring

This recipe makes quite a bit. When I divided it for my three kids, it equaled what three jars from the store would have bought you.

1: In a 2 quart sauce pan, add your dry ingredients. Yes, you will

need the full 1/3 CUP of salt. This will keep the dough from sticking to the pan as well as to help preserve it.

2: Add your water and oil. Turn your heat on to medium heat. Stir constantly, It will be a little lumpy, but that is ok.

3: Once you have your ingredients mixed well (it will look like a really soft paste) add your food coloring. The more food coloring you add the bolder your color will be. I only added about 5 drops of blue and it resulted in making a turquoise color rather than blue.

4: Continue stirring, it will start to solidify, and you will end you will end up folding it more that stirring.

5: Take the dough out onto a peace of max paper and let cool.

Happy Lazy Days!


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