Wednesday, March 7, 2012

7 of 7 : I Want a Pony!

It was a Sunday and it was finally starting to get a little warmer outside. I think it's a little funny to say that about the desert, but its really funny how quickly you get used to the 110+ degrees over the summer and 70-90 for fall and spring, it really only get down to about 40 during the "cold months". It rains once maybe two times for the whole year. So anyways, back to the project at hand. Off to the stables we went! Chloe had a complete spaz attack. She kept running back and forth from the bale of hay to the horses. At one point I swear she was about to get her whole little hand chomped off, she shoved her hand all the way in the horses mouth to give him his snack. Aiden loved the horses and is now dead set on saving up money for one of his own. Lucas; Lucas wasn't too sure about them. One tried to smell him at one point and he just pushed the horses face away. We decided to walk over to see the goats, and there was one that was not camera shy what so ever. He followed us around the fence line as we walked and every time I lifted my camera to take a picture of something, he would lift his front hooves onto the fence and tilt his head. Hysterical! So without further ado; my 7 of 7 shots...

Until next time,

Here is my friend Alice Adler