Wednesday, February 8, 2012


The past few months have really re-validated to me the reasons I chose photography as my calling in life. The importance of a photograph and not only that but a good photo session. I've had a few friends experience some pretty substantial loss recently. Then it hit our family as well. A little over a week ago, my husband came home and made a comment about our little pupper dog Rella, and that she seemed depressed. So we cuddled her extra took her on some extra walks. A few days later she was laying in the backyard. When my husband came home from work he noticed her limping and was concerned that maybe the kids had played a little too rough with her. She bounced back from it, but the next day it happened again, and we were concerned about a seizure or a stroke because she was not recovering from it this time and now she was shaking. We gave it till Tuesday and took her into the vet. We know her personally because my husband is in the Public Health (formally Vet Services) Command. She gave a her a good look over and reluctantly told us "I think its a Brain Tumor, it could be this other neurological issue, but because she's only 4, its not likely." I was pretty devastated and I knew my oldest was going to fall apart, not to mention the day before was his birthday. Not a good birthday present. She told us to give it until Friday to see if she shows any signs of improvement. When Aiden came home, we told him what was going on, and he cried a little, but marched right outside and spent the rest of the afternoon with his doggie. We made a plan to take some pictures of him with her the next day. So the next day (Wednesday) we did so. He went outside and laid in the grass with her, I took some more pictures. About an hour later, she crawled into my lap, laid for a few minutes and then started crying. She tried to get up but couldn't. I was certain that she had had another stroke. So I laid her in her bed and called my husband. He came home and took her back to the vet. Aiden cried, boy did he cry. I'm so happy that I got these last few pictures of them together. They were buddies, and she followed him everywhere. I'm glad he will remember her being happy and spunky and playful. Even in her last few hours she was happy, and the pictures show it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7 on 7 Sick Day and a Little Hookie

Early in the month (like maybe the week after Winter Break) my kiddos woke up not feeling the best. In reality they probably really could have went ahead and gone to school, but instead I just let them stay home. So I decided, why not make the day fun and hang around the house in our pajamas all day.

Chloe went ahead and took a pretty long nap that day. So Aiden and I pulled out some board games.

We played Monkeys on The Bed, which proved to be kind of a not so great game. They don't give you enough pieces for what they ask you to do. But eh, oh well. It is what it is.

SO they we pulled out the dominoes. I taught him how to set them up in funky designs so we can knock them over. He played with them for about an hour and a half.

Chloe finally got up from her nap and came down all dressed for the day, so Aiden decided well why not. It was at this point I decided we were really just playing hookie, and no one was really sick. Maybe just a little extra tired.

It was nice to see the kids play together, even though Aiden really didn't care to play what Chloe was playing, he did anyway, just to make her happy. SO they sat and played with her Princess' and he grabbed the only Little People kid he could find which was a boy and pretended that he was the Prince.

We really had a fun day. Full of games, movies, painting and cuddling. Sometimes its fun, to just take an extra day, to just really enjoy your kids being little.

Have an awesome Pixel Perfect Day!

Onto another very talented Photographer: Alice Adler